ACCESS is seeking Senior Secured Direct Lending Strategies in Europe and United States

ACCESS is seeking to select Senior Secured Direct Lending strategies across two distinct mandates focusing on European and US markets, respectively.

It is anticipated that the initial allocations will be c.£200 million for the European mandate and c.£150 million for the US mandate, with subsequent allocations expected and further potential growth thereafter in both cases.

The appointed funds/strategies will provide senior secured direct loans to corporates with a focus on the core middle market, to a mainly private equity sponsor-backed borrower base.

European and US Senior Secured Direct Lending investment managers with relevant capabilities are invited to submit proposals for the provision of each of the mandates to ACCESS. Further detailed information is contained in the respective set of documents which are available upon request to relevant investment managers.

Interested investment managers are invited to request the related information and documents by emailing the following addresses:

Senior Secured Direct Lending – Europe mandate:

Senior Secured Direct Lending – US mandate:

The deadline for initial submissions will be 14:00 BST on Friday 6 September 2024.


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