Impact investing supports scaled up nature-based solution projects

The Shared Wood Company (SWC), is a newly incorporated French company formed by experienced forestry experts in order to develop nature-based solutions projects in Africa, Latin America and Europe.

The SWC team has expertise in agroforestry, forestry and carbon finance with a significant track record in developing long-term investments in environmental assets.

It promotes and supports sustainable agricultural and forestry practices, while generating high quality carbon emission avoidance or even removal.

“Our planet is overheating,” said Laurent Valiergue, co-founder of The Shared Wood Company, “and we must get to net zero, but decarbonisation of energy and heavy industry, alone are not enough.”

“Solutions based on nature are a key lever to reverse the trend and reach the Paris Agreement target [of 1.5°C] and tackle biodiversity and poverty reduction challenges inherent to that mandate.”

It has received support from AXA IM Alts through its impact investing strategy and ENGIE, a specialist in renewable and low carbon energy infrastructure, which have both acquired minority stakes.

They will provide further financing for forestry and sustainable land use projects in exchange for the high-quality carbon emission avoidance/removals generated.

SWC’s projects will be certified to guarantee they deliver the carbon, communities and environmental benefits that are being targeted.


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